Hi Everyone! Thank you for visiting FC Nono's homepage.
NPO MOTTAINAI JAPAN accepting goods donations for FC Nono
During the period of 2 March to 28th April, NPO MOTTAINAI JAPAN is currently collecting on behalf of FC Nono any secondhand cleats, training shoes, and used practice balls in Japan for us to use for our activities in Bihar, India.
It would be a big support if readers could also take a quick look through each of your shoe racks and maybe the back of your children's closets, locker rooms, team club houses... for any of the below to be given a second life!
This time it's only "practice balls" and "shoes"!
Please be noted that we are only collecting the most needed "practice balls" and "shoes" for this round of donations.
・Practice Balls
The balls can be either size 4 or size 5. We use both. It does NOT need to be clean or new.
Shoes we mean cleats/studs/spikes, training shoes/flats, whatever you call them. Sizes are preferable around 22cm~27cm as they are planned to be for age group 5 to 15 yrs.
Details on Mottainai Japan Page, deadline is 28th APRIL!
Please refer to delivery instructions and details on the MOTTAINAI JAPAN homepage. Their last date of acceptance is anything arriving on 28th APRIL, 2023 at the latest.
We hope you all will be able to contribute and it would help even more if you could spread this in your football friends circles.
Thank you for your support!
Thank you MOTTAINAI JAPN for your tremendous help!

(MOTTAINAI JAPAN様HPより画像をお借りしております。Borrowed from MOTTAINAI JAPAN HP)
#FCNono #Footballclubnono #footballforsocialinclusion #サッカー #日本サッカー #インド #インドサッカー #ビハール #donation #サッカー寄付 #MOTTAINAIJAPAN #もったいないJapan #受付中 #ありがとうございます
ABOUT FC Nono / FC Nonoについて 一般社団法人FC Nonoはインド・ビハール州ブッダガヤで活動する子どもたちのサッカーチームです。サッカーを通じインドの社会問題解決に取り組んでいます。最貧困家庭の子どもたち、刑務所の青年囚人、孤児たち、障害者の子どもたちにサッカー指導をしています。サッカー活動をフックとした健康管理、栄養改善、教育、人材育成、環境・衛生・保健・栄養教育などを通じ社会変革を目指して活動しています。 FC Nono is a football organization set up to solve various social problems and dedicated to social change in developing countries. As a charitable and social project, our mission is to improve inclusive living conditions of young girls/boys of BodhGaya city, Bihar State in India who are forced to live in poverty through our wide range of social activities focused on health, education and human resources development towards sustainable livelihoods. We reach out to the youths in impoverished families, prison, the disabled and street children.
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/footballclubnono/
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/teamfcnono
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/@fcnono2021