Hello! We are FC Nono, a social football team in Bihar, India, dedicated to empowering underprivileged children through football activities.
We are pleased to announce that FC Nono has been selected by the Japan International Cooperation Agency ("JICA") for the "JICA Donation Fund for the People of the World''!
It supports activities that contribute to poverty reduction and the improvement and enhancement of the lives of people in developing countries and regions toward the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
What is the “JICA Fund for the World's People”?
The JICA Donation Fund for the People of the World is a grant program that supports two activities. One is to contribute to poverty reduction and improve the lives of people in developing countries and regions. Another is to promote a multicultural society in Japan and support the acceptance of foreign human resources, conducted by organizations in Japan toward the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
This project aims to support organizations with annual income of approximately 30 million yen or less and that have limited experience in their activities. A "companion support system" has been established under which JICA-assigned companion supporters will provide consultation for the activities of selected organizations. In the field of sports and development (Sports for Development), where we are developing our activities, experienced experts will support us in promoting our projects.
FC Nono's Activities with JICA Donation Fund for the People of the World
To support the growth of children in Bihar, India (who are facing external factors such as lack of educational opportunities, caste system, gender discrimination, malnutrition, and poor sanitary conditions), we created a "place for children" and "opportunities for children to express themselves" through sports (football) coaching and educational activities on nutrition.
Project Outline:
1) Football Coaching
Football coaching will be provided in the Bodh Gaya region of Bihar, India, where FC Nono is based, as well as in surrounding areas. The goal is not only to improve football skills, but also to acquire social skills and life skills through games and exchanges with children outside their community and region.
2) Education and Surveys on Nutrition and Hygiene
We will conduct a survey on children's diet and nutrition to identify malnutrition, update educational contents to improve their nutritional habits, as well as conduct educational activities to improve sanitation and hygiene.
Project Period:
October 16, 2023 - October 15, 2024 (Planned)
Project Target:
Children under 15 years old (male and female) in the poverty areas of Bodh Gaya, Bihar, India, Children in villages around Bodh Gaya, Parents in Bodh Gaya, etc.
The activities will be reported on FC Nono's website as well as on social media.
Please follow us and warmly watch over the growth of the children!
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/footballclubnono/
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/@fcnono2021

【How to DONATE】You can Donate FC Nono through the online platform “Syncable”!
We are happy to announce that we recently opened an account on the platform “Syncable”, which is an online fundraising platform dedicated to non-profit and non-governmental organizations, run by STYZ Inc.
In the past, we have had several interests about direct donations to our organization and similar inquiries. All of us here at FC Nono are happy to finally have this Syncable platform set up to be able to accept donations from both Japan and overseas supporters.
For the details of direct donation to us, please check the link below:
We ask for your ongoing support toward our future activities through this new Syncable donation platform. Please let us know of any inquiries that might arise regarding this method!
Thank you always,
Team FC Nono
FC Nono is a football organization set up to tackle social problems and dedicated to social change in developing countries. As a charitable and social project, our mission is to improve inclusive living conditions of young girls/boys of BodhGaya city, Bihar State in India who are forced to live in poverty through our wide range of social activities focused on health, education and human resources development towards sustainable livelihoods. We reach out to the youths in impoverished families, prison, the disabled and street children.
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/footballclubnono/
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/@fcnono2021